Sunday, November 17, 2013

Oracle 11g R2 Grid Infrastructure Installation on Windows Server 2008

Running OUI to Install Oracle Grid Infrastructure

·   Log in to Windows using a member of the Administrators group and run the “setup.exe“ command from the Oracle Grid 11g Release 2 ( folder located at C:\Oracle11gR2\Stage\Grid
·   On the Setting up Grid Infrastructure Option Screen, choose “Skip software updates” and click “Next” to continue.
 ·   On the Select Installation Option Screen, choose “Install and Configure Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster” and click “Next” to continue.

·   On the Select Installation Type screen, choose “Advanced Installation” and click “Next” to continue.

·   Choose the Arabic language on the Select Product Languages screen and click “Next” to continue.

 ·   On the Grid Plug and Play Information screen enter “psrv-cluster” as desired Cluster Name, “” as SCAN Name and use the default 1521 for SCAN Port. Uncheck the Configure GNS checkbox and Click “Next” to continue.

 ·   By default OUI displays the information of the local node only, Click “Add” button and enter “” as Public Hostname and “” as Virtual hostnames for the second node in the cluster.

 ·   On the Specify Network Interface Usage screen, Ensure that public interface type is selected for subnet and private for subnet. Click “Next”to continue.

 ·   Choose “Automatic Storage Management (ASM)” on the Storage Option Information screen and click “Next” to create the ASM diskgroup for Grid Infrastructure.

 ·   On the Create ASM Disk Group screen, Enter OCRVOTE as the Diskgroup Name for storing OCR and voting disks. Choose “External” for Redundancy and select ORCLDISKOCRVOTE0 as the candidate disk. Let the AU size be 1 MB for OCR & Voting Diskgroup. Click “Next” to continue.

 ·   Enter the passwords as “*****” for SYS and “******” for ASMSNMP users without quotation marks on the Specify ASM Passwords screen and click “Next” to continue.

 ·   On the Failure Isolation Support screen choose “Do not use Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI)”and click “Next” to continue.

 ·   Specify the location for Oracle Base (E:\app\oracle) and the Grid Infrastructure Installation (E:\app\11.2.0\grid) on the Specify Installation Location screen.

 ·   Click “Next” to allow the OUI to perform the prerequisite checks on the target nodes.

 ·   After the prerequisite checks have successfully completed, review the summary of the pending installation and click ”Install” to install and configure Grid Infrastructure.

 ·   On the Install Product screen ensure that all the installation and configuration succeeded

 ·   On the Finish screen Click “Close” button to exit the Oracle Universal Installer.

·   Once the installation has completed, check the status of the CRS resources as follows:
Run the following command
E:\app\11.2.0\grid\bin\crsctl stat res -t

All resources should report as online with the exception of GSD and OC4J. GSD will only be online if Grid Infrastructure is managing a 9i database and OC4J is reserved for use in a future release. Though these resources are offline and it is not supported to remove them. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Oracle 11g R2 Grid Infrastructure pre installation on Windows Server 2008

User account creation for Oracle RAC

Create domain user and explicitly declare it as a member of local administrator group on each cluster node as per Oracle recommendation “Oracle strongly recommends the use of domain users for Oracle RAC installations on Windows platforms.”

User account requirements for Windows 2008

1.       Change the elevation prompt behavior for administrators to "Elevate without prompting" to allow for user equivalence to function properly in Windows 2008:
·         Open a command prompt and type "secpol.msc" to launch the Security Policy Console management utility.
·         From the Local Security Settings console tree, click Local Policies, and then Security Options Scroll down to and double-click User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt for administrators.
·         From the drop-down menu, select: "Elevate without prompting (tasks requesting elevation will automatically run as elevated without prompting the administrator)"
·         Click OK to confirm the changes.
·         Repeat the above steps on all cluster nodes.

2.       Ensure that the Administrators group is listed under "Manage auditing and security log":
·         Open a command prompt and type "secpol.msc" to launch the Security Policy Console management utility.
·         Click on "Local Policies"
·         Click on "User Rights Assignment"
·         Locate and double click the "Manage auditing and security log" in the listing of User Rights Assignments.
·         If the Administrators group is NOT listed in the "Local Security Settings" tab, add the group now.
·         Click OK to save the changes (if changes were made).
·         Repeat the above steps on all cluster nodes.

Disable windows firewall

When installing Oracle Grid Infrastructure and/or Oracle RAC it is required to turn off the Windows firewall. Follow these steps to turn off the windows firewall:
·         Click Start, click Run, type "firewall.cpl", and then click OK
·         In the Firewall Control Panel, click "Turn Windows Firewall on or off" (upper left hand corner of the window).
·         Choose the "Off" radio button in the "Windows Firewall Settings" window and click OK to save the changes.
·         Repeat the above steps on cluster nodes.
OR Execute the below command:
netsh advfirewall set Allprofiles state off

Disable anti-virus software

Disable Antivirus running on cluster nodes before and for the entire duration of the installation of Oracle on Windows (be mindful of manual reboots during this time). Anti-Virus software may of course be re-enabled following the installation but the following should be excluded from being scanned:
·         Oracle Software directories
·         OCFS file systems
·         ACFS file systems
·         Network scanning of the private interconnect.

Increase desktop heap size

Desktop heap size is required to be increased in the registry for the database server. It can be found in the following location:
\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\SubSystems\
·         Edit the Windows value of Type REG_EXPAND_SZ.  It will look similar to:
%SystemRoot%\system32\csrss.exe ObjectDirectory=\Windows SharedSection=1024,3072,512 Windows=On SubSystemType=Windows ServerDll=basesrv,1 ServerDll=winsrv:UserServerDllInitialization,3 ServerDll=winsrv:ConServerDllInitialization,2 ProfileControl=Off MaxRequestThreads=16
·         At this location the following set of values can be seen for "SharedSection", 1024, 3072, 512. The third value (512) is the size of the desktop heap for each desktop that is associated with a "noninteractive" window station.
·         Increase of the third value to 1024, so the values are now listed as 1024, 3072, 1024 resolved the problem.
·         If this value is not present, the size of the desktop heap for noninteractive window stations will be same as the size specified for interactive window stations (the second SharedSection value).

Check paging file size

Oracle recommends that the paging file must be size to at least one and a half times the amount of RAM for systems with 4 to 32 GB of RAM. For systems with greater than 32 GB of RAM, Oracle recommends that the paging file must be set to 32 GB.

Check temp space requirement and set the location

To set the TEMP and TMP environment variables: (TMP=C:\Windows\temp TEMP= C:\Windows\temp)
·         Log into the server as the user that will perform the installation
·         Open Computer Properties
·         Click the Advanced system settings link (on the left under tasks)
·         Under the Advanced tab, click the Environment Variables button
·         Modify the TEMP and TMP variables under "User variables for Administrator" to the desired setting.
·         Keep in mind, this path must be identical for both TMP and TEMP and they must be set to the same location on all cluster nodes.
·         Click OK to save the changes.
·         Repeat the above steps for all cluster nodes.

Create network interface card bonding

For high availability and load balancing it is recommended to create network card bonding for public adapters. With the assistance of system administrator two network teaming were created on both nodes one for public network and another for private network.

Configure VLAN for private interconnect

Using HP virtual connect flex fabric a private interconnect is configured by the system admin. For the private network, the end points of all designated interconnect interfaces must be completely reachable on the network. Every node in the cluster should be able to connect to every private network interface in the cluster.

IP Address Configuration

The IP Addresses are allocated for each cluster node respectively
Host Node
Resolved by
Node1 Public
Node1 VIP
DNS, Host file
Node1 Private
Host file
Node2 Public
Node2 VIP
DNS, Host file
Node2 Private
Host file


Add following entries in hosts file

#PublicLAN psrv1 psrv2
#VIP         psrv1-vip         psrv2-vip
#PrivateLAN     psrv1-priv     psrv2-priv

Disable media sensing feature for TCP/IP

Run the following command with admin user on each cluster node:
C:\Users\Administrator> netsh interface ipv4 set global dhcpmediasense=disabled
C:\Users\Administrator> netsh interface ipv6 set global dhcpmediasense=disabled
Validate the change with: C:\Users\Administrator> netsh interface ipv4 show global
Disable Media Sensing by completing the following steps on each node of your cluster:
·         Use Registry Editor (Regedit.exe) to view the following key in the registry:
·         Add the following registry entry to the Parameters subkey:
Name: DisableDHCPMediaSense
Data type: REG_DWORD (Boolean)
Value: 1
·         Exit the Registry Editor and restart the computer.

Disable SNP features

Run the following command with admin user on each cluster node:
C:\Users\Administrator> netsh int tcp set global chimney=disabled
C:\Users\Administrator> netsh int tcp set global rss=disabled
Validate these changes with:  C:\Users\Administrator> netsh interface tcp show global

Network Interface binding order (and protocol priorities)

Perform the follow tasks to ensure this requirement is met:
·         Click Start, click Run, type "ncpa.cpl", and then click OK.
·         In the menu bar on the top of the window click "Advanced" and choose "Advanced Settings" (For Windows 2008, if the "Advanced" is not showing, click 'Alt' to enable that menu item).
·         Under the Adapters and Bindings tab use the up arrow to move the Public interface to the top of the Connections list.
·         Under Binding order for increase the priority of IPv4 over IPv6
·         Click OK to save the changes
·         Repeat the above steps on all cluster nodes.

Uncheck 'Register this connection's addresses in DNS'

Invoke Server Manager
·         select 'View Network Connections'
·         select the 'public' network interface
·         choose 'Properties' from the right click menu
·         select 'Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4)' from the 'Networking' tab
·         click 'Properties'
·         click 'Advanced...' from the 'General' tab
·         select the 'DNS' tab
·         Unclick the radio button for 'Register this connection's addresses in DNS'.

Disable IPv6 components

To disable IPv6 components follow the below steps:
·         Start the regedit program. Create a backup of the current registry settings.
·         In the Registry Editor, go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters entry.
·         Double-click the DisabledComponents key to modify its value. If the DisabledComponents key does not exist, then create this key as follows:
·         Open the Edit menu.
·         Select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.
·         Enter DisabledComponents, and then press Enter to create the key.
·         For the DisabledComponents key, add a DWORD value of 0xffffffff.
·         Exit the Registry Editor and restart the computer.
·         Repeat these steps on each node on which you plan to install Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
·         These steps disable all IPv6 components except for the IPv6 loopback interface.

Stop non Oracle services

There can be issues with some (non-Oracle) services, which may already be running on the cluster nodes. Typically a Microsoft Service: Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) can interact with Oracle software during install. It is recommended that this service is stopped and set to 'manual' start using services.msc on both nodes.

Stage Oracle Software

It is recommended to create the stage for the required software onto a local drive on Node1 (psrv1) of the cluster. The following software is staged on local disk (C:\Oracle11gR2\Stage).
Grid Infrastructure (clusterware and ASM):
Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Grid Infrastructure ( for Windows
RDBMS software:
Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( for Windows

Synchronize time on all cluster nodes

To configure Windows Time service, use the following command on each node:
 C:\> W32tm /register
To modify the Windows Time service to work in an Oracle RAC environment, perform the following steps:
·         Open the Registry Editor (regedit).
·         Locate the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Config key.
·          Set the following Windows Time service parameters to these values:
·         MaxPosPhaseCorrection to 600
·         MaxNegPhaseCorrection to 600
·         MaxAllowedPhaseOffset to 600
·         These parameter settings specify that small time adjustments are allowed when the time difference between the reference and cluster nodes is less than 10 minutes.
·         To put the changes into effect, use the following command:
C:\>W32tm /config /update

Update SAN MPIO drivers

As per the recommendation of Oracle the appropriate SAN MPIO drivers should be installed on the database servers in order to achieve optimal performance on the storage LUNs allocated from the SAN.

Validate connection between cluster nodes

The "net use" utility can be used to validate the ability to perform the software copy among the cluster nodes.
·         Open a command prompt and execute the following
C:\Users\Administrator>net use \\psrv1\C$, \\psrv2\C$
·         Repeat the above steps on all cluster nodes.

Allocate storage from SAN

The following storage LUNs are allocated to the cluster nodes:

Disk 2
Oracle Software
Disk 2
Oracle Software
Disk 3
Oracle DATA
psrv1, psrv2
Disk 4
Oracle FRA
psrv1, psrv2
Disk 5
Oracle FRA
psrv1, psrv2
Disk 6
psrv1, psrv2
Disk 7
psrv1, psrv2
Disk 8
psrv1, psrv2

Enable Automount

Enable auto mounting of disks in order to be visible to Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
·         On each node log on with Administrator privileges
·         Click START->RUN and type diskpart.
·         Repeat the above command on all nodes in the cluster and restart the server.

Ensure write caching is disabled

The write caching must be disabled on all disks that will be used to share data between the nodes in the cluster. Perform these steps to disable write caching:
·         Click Start and then select Control Panel, then Administrative Tools, then Computer
Management, then Device Manager, and then Disk drives
·         Expand the Disk drives and double-click the first drive listed.
·         Under the Policies tab for the selected drive, uncheck the option that enables write caching.
·         Double-click each of the other drives that will be used by Oracle cluster ware and
Oracle RAC and disable write caching as described in the previous step.

Clean shared disks

Clean the shared disks before starting the installation. Cleaning will remove data from any previous failed install. On Node1 from within diskpart you should clean each of the disks. WARNING this will destroy all of the data on the disk. Do not select the disk containing the operating system or you will have to reinstall the OS. Cleaning the disk ‘scrubs’ every block on the disk. This may take some time to complete.
·         Click START->RUN and type diskpart.
·         DISKPART>list disk
·         The entire available disks are listed with the above command. Select the shared disk which is required for ASM disk groups and clean each disk by executing the below command:
DISKPART>select disk 1
Disk 1 is now the selected disk.
DISKPART> clean all
·         Repeat the above step for all shared disk that would be used as a member of ASM disk groups on one node only.

Create logical partitions inside extended partitions

Assuming the disks are clean and completely empty, now create an extended partition and then inside that partition a logical partition. Execute the below commands to create logical partitions inside extended partitions:

·         Click START->RUN and type diskpart.
DISKPART> select disk 1
Disk 1 is now the selected disk.
DISKPART> create part ext
DiskPart succeeded in creating the specified partition.
DISKPART> create part log
DiskPart succeeded in creating the specified partition.
·         Create partitions for all shared disk to be used by ASM disk groups on one node only.

Remove Drive Letters

Diskpart should not add drive letters to the partitions on the local node. The partitions on the other node may have drive letters assigned and it must be removed as follows:
·         Click START->RUN and type diskpart on node2.
DISKPART> list volume
·         The volumes are listed in a completely different order compared to the disk list. Also against each volume the drive letter is assigned. Now remove the drive letter using diskpart as shown below:
DISKPART> select volume 1
Volume 1 is the selected volume.
DiskPart successfully removed the drive letter or mount point.
·         Ensure that drive letter C and E are not removed, as C drive is a local disk and E drive contains Oracle software.

Mark disk partition for Oracle ASM

The only partitions that the Oracle Universal Installer acknowledges on Windows systems are logical drives that are created on top of extended partitions and that have been stamped as candidate ASM disks. Therefore prior to running the OUI the disks that are to be used by Oracle RAC MUST be stamped using ASM Tool.
Perform following task to mark disk partitions for ASM:
·         Navigate to the asmtool directory within the Grid Infrastructure installation media and double click the asmtoolg.exe executable.
·         From ASM graphical tool, select Add or Change Label and click Next.
·         On the Select Disks screen choose the appropriate disks to be assigned a label and enter an ASM Label Prefix to make the disks easily identifiable for their intended purpose, size and/or performance characteristics. After choosing the intended disks and entering the appropriate ASM Label Prefix, click Next to continue.
·         Review the summary screen and click Next.
·         On the final screen, click Finish to update the ASM Disk Labels.

The following ASM Label prefix is marked for the disk partition:

ASM Link Name
Size (GB)
Stamped ASM device
Stamped ASM device
Stamped ASM device
Stamped ASM device
Stamped ASM device
Stamped ASM device

Verify Grid Infrastructure installation readiness

Prior to installing Grid Infrastructure it is highly recommended to run the cluster verification utility (CLUVFY) to verify that the cluster nodes have been properly configured for a successful Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation. There are various levels at which CLUVFY can be run, at this stage it should be run in the CRS pre-installation mode. Later in this document CLUVFY will be run in pre dbinst mode to validate the readiness for the RDBMS software installation.

·         Login to the server in which the installation will be performed as the Local Administrator.
·         Open a command prompt and run CLUVFY as follows to perform the Oracle Cluster ware pre-installation verification:
cmd> runcluvfy stage -post hwos -n [-verbose]

cmd> runcluvfy stage -pre crsinst -n [-verbose]